The Center for Environmental Research and Information “Eko-svest” is undertaking the projects “Protection of rivers by establishing monitoring and practices for restoration of riverine habitats in protected areas”, funded by Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT) and “Research Report on the Environmental Impacts of Existing Dams and Structures in Mavrovo and Shar Mountain“ funded by The Nature Conservancy/US Forest Service. This initiative aims to enhance the monitoring of ecological flow in rivers to support the conservation and restoration of riverine habitats within protected areas.

Purpose of engagement:
Eko-svest is launching a call for the procurement of equipment essential for the monitoring of ecological flow in rivers. The equipment should be suitable for field use and must meet the technical specifications necessary for accurate data collection in various environmental conditions.

Required Equipment:
5 water level sensors with following specification
• Water pressure-based water level sensor with inbuilt data capture capability
• To operate in the head-range 0-4m, measurement accuracy ± 0.05 % FS
• Data logger must have capability for data transmission via optional SIM card/4G etc. If data transmission module is external to the data-logger, this should be provided as inclusive cost
• Simple operation on-site with notebook, tablet, PC, smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth
Additional: 4 pairs of gauges with following specification
• Robust aluminum water level “staff gauges”, each pair marked in the range 0 – 1m, 1-2m.

Submission Guidelines:
Interested parties are requested to submit proposals containing the following:
• Detailed description and specifications of the proposed equipment.
• Quotation inclusive of all costs (equipment, taxes, shipping, etc.).
• Information on warranty, maintenance, and support services. (if available)
• Statement on exclusion criteria (Annex 1)

Submission Deadline:
All proposals must be submitted electronically to [email protected] no later than 13.09.2024.

Evaluation Criteria:
Proposals will be evaluated based on:
• Cost-effectiveness (50 points)
• Compliance with technical specifications (50 points).

Contact Information:

For inquiries and clarifications regarding this open call, please contact Gjorgji at [email protected]



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